

Justifying My Choices In this blog post, I am going to share my thoughts on the changes I made to my website portfolio and why I believe they improve its overall value. When I first created my website, the main goal was to have a personal platform where I could showcase my work and connect with people who share an interest in what I do. Using the tools available on Wix, I built my portfolio, highlighting my skills in art, animation, and video editing. The portfolio includes different sections such as a gallery to display my work, an "about me" page to introduce myself, a homepage featuring a showreel, a contact page, and even a blog where I share tips on drawing and editing. Choosing a website format for my portfolio made sense to me as it provides an easy-to-navigate platform that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection and a device. As I repurposed my website, I made a couple of significant changes to enhance its content. One of the changes I made was addi


Legal and Ethical Considerations When repurposing a website, there are important legal and ethical considerations to keep in mind. As I worked on repurposing my own website, which originally served as a portfolio showcasing my skills in art, animation, and video editing, I made sure to address these considerations. Firstly, copyright plays a crucial role in repurposing a website. I made sure to respect the intellectual property rights of others by only including content that I had created or had obtained the necessary permissions to use. This means that I refrained from using copyrighted materials without proper authorization. By doing so, I ensured that my repurposed website did not infringe upon the rights of others. In addition to copyright, I also considered the ethical implications of repurposing my website. It is important to be transparent and honest about the changes made to the original content. Therefore, I clearly indicated that my website had been repurposed and described t


Personal Media Profile + Repurposed Content Social Networking Profile: Link to ORIGINAL website: Link to REPURPOSED website: My Repurposed Website With the link above, you can view my new and repurposed website with the new content included. I have separated this to the original website by duplicating it, and adding the word "repurposed" to the end of the link to be able to tell the difference. Despite the change of my repurposed website being subtle, you can view the content in the Gallery section of my website. In this section, a whole new section was created for my repurposed content to be embedded in. Below are some screenshots displaying my new and improved repurposed website, included the area that consists of the biggest change. The Photography gallery: The photography gallery in my website is something I decided to include in the repurposed version of my website. The majori


Identifying and Repurposing Content In this report, I will be going over the content in my website and identifying the content in it that needs to be repurposed to meet the requirements for this unit. As explained in a different report, my personal media profile is a website that displays my past work and showcasing my skills in the creative production sector. I have explicitly stated in the home page of my website that I am an illustrator / animator / artist and have also included several pages that contain other things regarding myself, my work and my portfolio, however, I will be choosing a piece of content from this to repurpose and republish to the live website. After careful consideration and giving my website a general overview, I have decided that the area of my website that I will be repurposing is the gallery page: Despite the gallery page being one of the main aspects of a creative portfolio, I will repurpose it to display more up to date and stronger pieces of work. As well


Planning My Personal Media Profile In this report, I will be discussing and explaining my plan for the creation of my own personal media profile. To put it briefly, my personal media profile will be a website portfolio, displaying my creative work such as art, animation and video edits to promote myself. My website will include several pages that each serve their own purpose and will follow the general conventions of other websites. Target audience In terms of target audience, I believe that the target demographic for a website similar to mine with be people of any gender, any background from ages ranging from 16 - 30. I have left the age gap starting very young, as my website encompasses bright and colourful themes surrounding the fact that the website will be displaying my creative work. I have chosen to close the gap at 30 years old, as I believe that there are older people that work in the media industry that might want to hire someone like me with a strong portfolio that displays


Scoping the personal media profile In the table below, I've listed my past work examples for my future personal media profile. I've provided descriptions for each piece and explained why they were chosen. Additionally, I discussed the file types used and the need for file conversion, along with the reasons behind it.


Social Media Profiles In this blog post, I am going to be explaining the purpose of a personal media profile and what it is used for. I will also be finding examples of media profiles and will be explaining the content and purpose of each one. A personal media profile is a representation of an individual's identity and interests through various forms of media. It serves as a platform for self-expression and communication with others. Media profiles can be categorized into two main types: physical and digital. Physical media profiles refer to tangible forms of self-presentation, such as photo albums, scrapbooks, or physical portfolios. These profiles offer a tangible and tactile experience, allowing individuals to showcase their creativity and personal touch. Physical media profiles are often best used in situations where a physical presence is valued, such as job interviews, networking events, or personal interactions where sharing physical artifacts can create a deeper connection.