
Personal Media Profile + Repurposed Content

Social Networking Profile:

Link to ORIGINAL website: https://stu-sarfrazr.wixsite.com/rensportfolio

Link to REPURPOSED website: https://stu-sarfrazr.wixsite.com/repurposed

My Repurposed Website

With the link above, you can view my new and repurposed website with the new content included. I have separated this to the original website by duplicating it, and adding the word "repurposed" to the end of the link to be able to tell the difference.

Despite the change of my repurposed website being subtle, you can view the content in the Gallery section of my website. In this section, a whole new section was created for my repurposed content to be embedded in. Below are some screenshots displaying my new and improved repurposed website, included the area that consists of the biggest change.

The Photography gallery:

The photography gallery in my website is something I decided to include in the repurposed version of my website. The majority of the embedded images here were apart of my unit 8 project, which was based around photography. For this unit, I took many photographs of flowers and cherry blossom trees, and I decided that considering that this website is a portfolio, those photographs will display more of my creative strength.

Flower Photoshoot:

Below are the photographs that were taken apart of unit 8. As mentioned before, they were apart of a photoshoot I did that consisted of close-up flower photography, trees and cherry blossoms. The following images were also rendered and edited in Adobe Lightroom.

GCSE Art Photoshoot:

Below are a couple of photographs that were taken in 2020 as apart of my GCSE artwork. The aim was to choose a theme and then take some photographs, applying heavy edits afterwards to make them look abstract / unique. These examples shown do not have extremely heavy edits, as I wanted to preserve the quality.


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