
Planning My Personal Media Profile

In this report, I will be discussing and explaining my plan for the creation of my own personal media profile. To put it briefly, my personal media profile will be a website portfolio, displaying my creative work such as art, animation and video edits to promote myself. My website will include several pages that each serve their own purpose and will follow the general conventions of other websites.

Target audience

In terms of target audience, I believe that the target demographic for a website similar to mine with be people of any gender, any background from ages ranging from 16 - 30. I have left the age gap starting very young, as my website encompasses bright and colourful themes surrounding the fact that the website will be displaying my creative work. I have chosen to close the gap at 30 years old, as I believe that there are older people that work in the media industry that might want to hire someone like me with a strong portfolio that displays technological and creative skills.

Moving onto psychometric profiles, I believe that individuals that fall into "the explorer" category are the best suited target audience for my personal media profile. I believe that their interest will be peaked when viewing the layout and general aesthetics of my website, as I plan for the website to be presented in an obscure and unique style that is not very commonly used amongst other groups of people such as "the mainstreamers".

I believe that as a whole, the target audience will mainly include people that are both young and old and are employed with some connection to the media industry or with a fascination for the creative arts. 


Mind maps


To summarise this report, I can confidently state that I have explained what my plan is for my personal media profile and who my target audience will be. I have also displayed the plan in the forms of different pre-production documents, such as a wireframe and multiple diagrams visually explaining the specifics on each page.


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