
Identifying and Repurposing Content

In this report, I will be going over the content in my website and identifying the content in it that needs to be repurposed to meet the requirements for this unit. As explained in a different report, my personal media profile is a website that displays my past work and showcasing my skills in the creative production sector. I have explicitly stated in the home page of my website that I am an illustrator / animator / artist and have also included several pages that contain other things regarding myself, my work and my portfolio, however, I will be choosing a piece of content from this to repurpose and republish to the live website.

After careful consideration and giving my website a general overview, I have decided that the area of my website that I will be repurposing is the gallery page: Despite the gallery page being one of the main aspects of a creative portfolio, I will repurpose it to display more up to date and stronger pieces of work. As well as this, I will be including and embedding more images into this page to display more of the photographic side of my creativity rather than just the illustrative side.

Below are some screenshots of my website in its current state. There are 5 pages dividing different categories that I would like to include as apart of my website.

My website can be viewed with this link: https://stu-sarfrazr.wixsite.com/rensportfolio

(Page to be repurposed)


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